How to Meditate at Home: Simple Meditation for Beginners

Meditation is one of the best ways to take control of your life. It’s a way to clear your mind, focus on the present moment, and become more mindful.

Meditation can help improve your overall health, increase your productivity, and make you a happier person. But before you get started, it’s important to know how to meditate at home.

Here are some helpful tips that will help you learn how to meditate at home in a few simple steps.

So, let’s get going!

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a spiritual discipline which aims to help an individual develop insight, focus, and concentration. It may also be used as a form of therapy for anxiety disorders, addictions, and other psychological conditions.

The word meditation comes from the Latin verb meditari, meaning “to think over, contemplate, study”, and derives from the Latin noun meditatio. The term can refer to an individual’s practice of meditation either alone or with others. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity for various religious and spiritual purposes.

It can be defined as “the act of focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Meditation is a type of relaxation technique that can be practiced for various reasons. It is believed to have many benefits including improved focus, reduced stress, and relief from depression.

The benefits of meditation are:

  • Meditation helps reduce anxiety and stress levels by focusing on the present moment. 
  • It reduces depression by promoting positive thoughts and feelings. 
  • Meditation can improve memory and concentration as well as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Meditation can help you sleep better at night by reducing insomnia. 
  • It helps reduce pain due to physical injuries or from chronic diseases like arthritis or fibromyalgia.
  • It can lower your resting heart rate and increase your lung capacity.
  • It can help to increase your overall happiness level.
  • It can even help regulate hormones for people suffering from hormonal imbalances such as menopause or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

It is said that if you meditate for just eight minutes a day, it can improve your overall mood and help you sleep better at night. It also lowers the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation in the body.

Types of Meditation You Can Try at Home

There are many different types of meditation.

1) Situational Meditation: This type is very easy to do at home. You can meditate anywhere including your office, bed or even on the bus during your commute to work! All you need is a comfortable seat and some time for yourself where there’s no distraction like phone calls, Facebook messages etc… (you don’t want people staring at you!) 

2) Mindful Mediation: This type involves focusing on how your body feels when holding certain poses. It helps in improving posture and deep breathing which then enhances overall quality of life. There are many poses that can be practiced for this.

3) Body Scan Meditation: In this type, you focus on an area of your body such as eyes or arms while breathing slowly and deeply through them with out tensing up muscles around it (this includes sensations from anywhere on the body). By doing this, you can reduce stress and nervousness in your mind.

4) Guided Meditation: This type is very good for beginners as it guides you through a meditation session that has specific instructions that help induce relaxation naturally. It also helps with improving concentration levels (a skill which many people lack these days!)

5) Mindfulness Meditation: This is a type of meditation that involves mindfulness, which means paying attention on the present moment and not allowing thoughts to drift into the past or future. It also helps you in making wise decisions about how to respond in any given situation by using your senses like hearing/touching etc…

How Can Regular Practice of Meditation Help You?

Meditation not only gives peace to your mind but it heals the physical body too! Here are some benefits which regular practice of meditation can give us:

  • Stress Reduction: When we start meditating regularly, we can feel a sense of inner peace and calmness as well as heightened concentration levels that makes it easier for us to focus on the task at hand.
  • Mindful Eating: By practicing mindful meditation, you can eat more healthily by being aware of what is going into your body from every bite. It helps in reducing overeating because now even when we are eating our brain knows exactly how much food should be taken!
  • Focus & Concentration: This type of meditation improves your ability to concentrate which means you’ll have better productivity level while also helping reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Increase memory: It improves cognitive function by increasing activity in the frontal lobe area of the brain which is associated with higher intelligence and increased memory recall. 

Tips To Get Started With Meditation

These are some crucial steps that you should take to begin the process of meditation:

1) Find a quiet place where there is no disturbance or noise. It’s best if it’s somewhere undisturbed for at least 30 minutes daily (this will also help improve your concentration levels).

2) Set aside time to meditate regularly so as not to neglect this practice.

3) Relax : To start with, try approaching the practice slowly and gradually build up from there.

4) Keep an open mind during meditation because differences in experience can be helpful!

5 ) Before beginning any kind of meditation practice, it’s important to be relaxed and calm. It can help you feel more confident during your first few sessions as well as prevent any negative feeling from arising which could make your mind resist the process of meditation.

How To Meditate Properly?

If you want to learn how to meditate properly then reading a book is not going to do it for you! Here are some tips that will help:

1) Find an object or picture that comes naturally in front of your eyes when they close (like a flower, mandala etc).

2) Focus on this image with all your attention.

3) When the image disappears, close your eyes again and repeat this process for at least 5 minutes (when you feel like it’s good enough to stop).

4) Keep repeating these steps every day until you reach 10 minutes of meditation per session.

How Do You Make Meditation a Habit?

Meditation can be done anywhere, anytime, for as long as you like. You can meditate for 10 minutes or 30 minutes; it’s up to you!

Create a Routine

To start meditating at home, you need to make a routine. You can start with 10 minutes of meditation every day, but increase the time gradually to 20 minutes or 30 minutes. The practice of meditation can help you become more calm and relaxed.

Be Kind to Yourself

Don’t compare your practice with others or be critical of yourself if you don’t feel like meditating at first. This is called “monkey mind” and meditation is all about learning to stay calm, confident and kind even in the face of stress.

Practice Before Sleep (or after)

Meditation can help you sleep better and make it more restful, so try meditating before or after your bedtime. You can also do short sessions first thing in the morning on an empty stomach – just 5 minutes is enough for most people!

Always be Open-minded

If you have an open mind during meditation then different experiences will arise that are all equally important for your practice, but also helpful to know about them in order not to become closed minded or judgmental of yourself!

Make it Enjoyable

Enjoying your meditation can help you stay motivated and not feel alienated from it. So combine your practice with other activities that are enjoyable for you – reading, sports, dancing etc.

Meditate with others

Meditation can help you find more inner peace and joy, but it’s also a great way to meet new people. You can meditate with friends or colleagues at work who are interested in the practice as well.

Enjoy the Challenge!

If you are new to meditation, it can be tempting to think that “meditation cannot possibly be so hard”, but the truth is that even if your mind wanders or gets distracted during practice – just keep focusing on one single object (like a candle flame for example) and bring your attention back again. It’s very easy once you get used to it!

How to Meditate at Home: Simple Meditation for Beginners

Now that we know how to meditate properly, let’s look at some tips that will help beginners with their practice:

1 ) Focus on one object or picture: Try focusing only on an object or picture which comes naturally in front of them during the time they’re closing their eyes (like a flower, mandala etc).

2) Try to relax: To start with you can try getting into a position that is comfortable for you (like lying down or sitting on the floor), and then focus your attention on the object.

3) Breathe slowly: Keep breathing normally while focusing on one image until it disappears from your mind.

4) Don’t force yourself to meditate if desired; this will make it harder and more difficult in some ways because meditation requires effort and desire of achieving something special!

5 ) If an uncomfortable feeling arises during meditation, like sadness or anger just remember that all feelings are impermanent, and try to let go of these feelings by reciting a mantra.

6) Try not to get discouraged if you feel sleepy during meditation or it feels like a struggle; the reason why people start meditating is because they want something better in their lives, so just remember that this will come naturally when you continue having faith in yourself!

Meditation For Kids

If you have a kid, do not force him/her to meditate. Instead try these tips:

1) Teach your child about meditation and how it can help them in life!

2) Have a discussion with your kids about the benefits of meditation

3) Explain why some people feel sad or angry if they don’t practice something as simple as sitting down on one single chair for 20 minutes every day (or at least 5 minutes per day).

4) Help children understand that practicing is not easy but will make their lives better in some ways.


So now we’ve learned everything which you should know about meditation and how to meditate properly. Meditating at home can be a great way to take control of your stress and anxiety levels.

Although it may seem daunting at first, with some time and effort, you can create a routine that will help you get the most out of meditation.

You can start by reading up on how to meditate properly, find a quiet place to practice, set aside some time each day for yourself, and begin to build a meditation practice that works for you.

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